Ezekiel 18:1-32
Chronologically subsequent to the former prophecy and in the same timeframe (sometime between the 6th month of the 6th year and the 5th month of the 7th year of Zedekiah’s reign; time references: see 8:1 & 20:1), the LORD moves Ezekiel to confront the baseless theological conviction of the Jews who refused the prophecies of the Tribulation Prophets, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, and thus refused to embrace Babylon. At this point in time, with approximately two years remaining until Babylon would attack and four years until Jerusalem would fall, King Zedekiah claims Unconditional Eternal Security. He and those with him in Jerusalem and Judah, the Evil Figs, didn’t believe they were evil! They protested the truth by means of a parable – a seeming biblical and legitimate parable. Of course, this parable debated the spiritual status and eternal fate of the Jews who did and would suffer death via Babylon. Likewise, and necessarily so, they misinterpreted Church History and misunderstood the former times when a Near Annihilation befell the People of God, the Jews. Albeit, God was intent upon convincing them otherwise with undeniable clarity.